worst blogger EVER
OK, so i realize that i haven't updated this in um..3 months. and i feel bad. but i don't feel that bad because, well, no one reads this thing. i think if i had the pressure of millions of people reading this every day (like some of the better blogs out there) i'd feel more compelled to update it more than once every season. but i will try to update it more often and maybe if i do that i'll have more than one regular reader (me).
so, on to the knitting. i've been working furiously trying to finish my simple v-neck short sleeved sweater and it's finally done! when it first started it was supposed to be like the knit and tonic essential stripe sweater , but somewhere along the way it became the short sleeved, non striped sweater because, honestly, once i'd done approximately 3 miles of stockinette stitch in the round (zzzzzzzz) i just didn't feel like doing 2 more miles for the sleeves. so they stayed short, which i think is just as cute. i've also realized that i LOVE knitting from the top down. it's amazing, you can try on as you go, you never have to purl, and once you're done, you're done (there's no seaming!) it's great. so yeah, this sweater turned out nice and it's my first one that is more fitted and isn't huge (the other sweaters i made were the big sack sweater from snb and the lace leaf pullover, both of which are mega oversized).
yep, so that's finished.
what next? well i'll tell you--an entrelac wrap. i saw a finished version of the lady eleanor stole and said "WHOA! i have to have that!" unfortunately the pattern is from the book scarf style and, well, i don't have that book. i've looked through it a few times and thought about buying but i'm just not that big into scarves. but entrelac is entrelac and once you know how it works you can pretty much change the details to make anything you like. so i used the pattern for danica from knitty but just made it wider. yeah, i'm crafty. so that's coming along nicely and it's a really neat technique that i've been meaning to try out.
as you've probably noticed this is a long post, but when you don't update your blog for three months you have a lot of stuff to update.
i also have three projects that i've got yarn for that i'm super excited to start.
they are:
- raspy from denim people (rowan)
- aimee from vintage knitting (rowan)
- demi from vintage knitting (rowan)
- salina from vintage knitting (rowan)
yeah, i've got a thing for rowan, which is sorta bad because their yarn isn't the cheapest. ah well, hobbies aren't supposed to be cheap.
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